Train Schedule

11:20: Train Departs

12:50: Train Departs

2:20: Train Departs

3:50: Train Departs

5:20: Train Departs

 Train FAQ

  • Train rides will be 20-30 minutes long

  • Train rides cost $5 or 5 tickets per person per ride.

  • There will be a booth near the white house on the bank of the park where you will pay, board, and deboard the train.

  • To reserve your seat, come to the Train Rides booth near the white house at Lansing Creeper Trail Park. You will pay the volunteers and sign up for the time slot you want. It is YOUR responsibility to report back to this booth 5 minutes before the train departs.

  • Children under the age of 12 must ride with an adult.

  • 100% of train ride proceeds go to St. Jude Children’s Hospital.